SINET 16 Application

2023 SINET 16
Innovator Application

Who may Apply

Only companies with innovative cybersecurity products and/or services and annual revenues of $15 million dollars or less may apply. A cybersecurity product and/or service is required.  Previous winners of the SINET 16 Innovator award may not apply again.


Those companies who take care to answer all questions accurately, completely, and concisely will have a much better chance of being selected. Make your company stand out, but do not add extraneous material. Avoid merely cutting and pasting from marketing or other material that only partially answers the questions or adds extraneous data.

You do not need to finish the application in one sitting. You may save your data at any time and log back in later to complete the application. Save your data by clicking on the “Save and Continue Later” link at the bottom of the form.

All applications must be completed and submitted by 5:00pm Pacific Time on June 20, 2023

2023 SINET16 Application

The application window is closed.